- I. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам
- The market for pharmaceutical plants and herbs tends to be promising.
- The development of a market economy also has distanced consumers from the wild plants that are the source of medicines.
- The best solution is to cultivate herbs on your own land.
- The species usefulness has brought them all over the world
- II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо, объясняя его употребление в скобках
- __ photosynthesis involves the uptake of __carbon dioxide, __water and other nutrients by ___ plants to form organic matter and oxygen.
- There is ___ wide variety of plant life in ___ rainforest.
- In ___ woody stem, such as ___ trunk of ___ tree, there are three distinct zones: ___ bark, ___ wood, and ___ pith.
- There have been thousands of __ studies on __ effects of herbs.
- ___ wood has been one of ___ most important materials on Earth for millions of years.
- ___ plants grow in almost every part of ___ world.
- For centuries, ___ drugs have been made from ___animal and ___ plant extracts.
- III. Дайте английские эквиваленты данных предложений
- Клопогон кистевидный, основной лекарственный товар племени чероки, служил как мочегонное средство, так и лекарство от ревматических болей.
- Волчья стопа канадская служила племени чероки лекарством от кашля, от воспаления легких.
- Стеблелист мощный, другое восточное растение лесистой местности, помогало чероки при зубной боли, в то время как племя чиппева использовало его корень для лечения болей в области живота.
Примечание: Клопогон кистевидный – black cohosh
мочегонное средство- a diuretic
лекарство от ревматических болей – a cure for rheumatic pains
племени чероки- Сherokke
племя чиппева- Chippewa
- I. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу предлогами
- Herbal supplements tend to be commercial products --- tablet or capsule form manufactured and marketed --- the health food industry --- sale in retail outlets --- the general public, although there are some types that are sold only to healthcare practitioners for prescription.
- Extraction --- volatile liquid, plant materials --- other aromatic compounds --- plants gives essential oils.
- Some herbalists may not agree --- the standardization --- active ingredients, preferring instead to use the whole plant
- Sometimes such herbs are provided --- professional herbalists --- specialist companies
- II. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы
- Medicinal plants _____ be used by anyone, for example as part of a salad, an herbal tea or supplement.
- Herbalists ____ mix several herbal tinctures to form an individualized prescription for each patient.
- They have the shortest life span of any herbal remedy and ____ be made fresh for every use.
- Some herbalists ___ not agree with the standardization of active ingredients, preferring instead to use the whole plant.
- Fluid extracts are stronger than herbal tinctures, and ______ be made with alcohol or glycerin
- I. Сконструируйте на английском языке предложения (адекватные русским), используя слова данные в скобках. Для каждого предложения предлагается больше слов, чем необходимо.
- care, one, health, is, of, the, preoccupations, of, human, major, beings.
- are, phytodrugs, mixtures, of, compounds, many, extracted, a, single, from, or, plants, many.
- is, the, phytotherapy, today, "center", still, of, health, our, care,
- the, most, phytotherapy, today, ancient, useful, is, still, medication.
- II. Поставьте подчеркнутые существительные в единственное число, выполнив все необходимые изменения в предложении
- Phytodrugs are mixtures of many compounds extracted from a single or many plants.
- Many natural plant products are used in developing pharmaceuticals.
- Active ingredients of plants are also frequently chemically modified.
- That's why in some countries, there is a clear difference between the pharmacies which are thought to sell conventional medicines and the herbalists' shops supposed to handle phytodrugs.
- But these solutions differ from place to place and even from a generation to another.
- III. Найдите в предложениях все глаголы и определите их временную форму и залог
- The basic goals of botany are to explain how plants are structured, why they function the way they do, and what the evolutionary relationships are between them.
- Humans have eaten vegetables, fruit, fish and meat since the Stone Age.
- Opium and some of its derivatives are highly addictive and their use has led to severe problems of drug addiction.
- Botany like all the sciences is growing in size, scope and importance.
- Plants absorb many kinds of ions and absorption of ions is not necessarily followed by their utilization
I. Дайте английские эквиваленты данных предложений
- Многие люди читают, что лечение лекарственными растениями возможно без первичного медицинского обследования
- Лекарственные растения утратили свою популярность на некоторое время
- Это позже привело к распространению химических заболеваний и аллергий.
- Некоторые доктора слишком категоричны, чтобы заявить, что действие лекарственных растений намного медленней, чем синтетических лекарств.
- предпочтение было отдано травяным экстрактам и отдельным веществам.
- I. Составьте вопросы по содержанию текста для последующего обсуждения с данными вопросительными слова:
- What …?
- Who is supposed ….?
- What kind of herbs…?
- Is herbal treatment possible…?
- Is it ….?
- II. Поставьте к каждому предложению все типы вопросов
Leaves are the food factories of a plant. The raw materials they use are of the simplest carbon dioxide, water and a few mineral ingredients. The first, a gas, is all around them in the air and they absorb it through tiny pores in their surface. Water, and the minerals dissolved in it, is collected by the roots from the ground in which the plant grows. The agents within the tissues of the leaves that process these raw materials are small grains containing the green substance, chlorophyll. Powered by the energy of the sun, this is able to combine these elements and produce starches and sugars, the food from which the plant builds its various tissues. The process is called photosynthesis.
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